Araxi Dertavitian, M.S., PPS
12th/ Incoming 9th Grade Counselor
818-242-6801 x81136
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For all incoming freshmen-related matters, please contact Mrs. Moses, who will ensure your communication gets seen by a counselor. Her email is If you stop by Hoover, be certain to visit after school and check-in with Mrs. Moses. She is happy to help you.
Learn more about our school, check out our latest Hoover LookBook 2024-2025.
Important Registration Links:
If Hoover is your assigned school of residence, you are automatically enrolled at Hoover. If Hoover is not your assigned school of residence, you must obtain a school permit from the Student Support Services office.
Incoming 9th graders who were on a permit (Inter/Intra) at Toll do not have active enrollment with Hoover. However, you must re-apply for your permit. Applications open on March 1, 2025.
If you are planning on attending Hoover for the 2025-2026 school year and are already on a permit, please follow ALL the steps below:
If you are in the FLAG program on an intra-district permit and plan on attending Hoover for the 2025-2026 school year, please complete steps 2-3 above.