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University & College Options

There Are Four Amazing Choices


The California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation, with 2.6 million students attending 112 colleges. The college provide students with the knowledge and background necessary to compete in today’s economy. With a wide range of educational offerings, the colleges provide workforce training, basic courses in English and math, certificate and degree programs and preparation for transfer to four-year institutions.

Degrees & Certificate Programs Offered

  • Associate of Arts (AA)
  • Associate of Science (AS)
  • Certificates vary

Admission Requirements

  • California community colleges must accept any California resident with a high school diploma (or equivalent). They can also admit nonresidents with a diploma, and anyone over 18 without a diploma
  • High School Diploma or the equivalent including the California Proficiency Program Exam (HiSET Certificate of Proficiency) if under 18

Available Programs

  • University transfer courses leading to a BA or BS from a four-year college
  • Occupational courses to secure a job after completing training






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Priority Registration

Priority registration allows students to register early so they can get into courses before they fill up. To qualify for priority registration, students must:

  1. Participate in orientation
  2. Complete the assessment process
  3. Develop an Education Plan with a counselor or advisor

Paying for Community College


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Cal State is a leader in high-quality, accessible, student-focused higher education. The CSU system is made up of 23 campuses across the state of California. They serve approximately 485,550 students with 56,000 faculty and staff. They are the largest, most diverse, and one of the most affordable university systems in the country.

Admission Requirements

  • 'C' or better in all required A-G courses
  • A 2.50 GPA or greater in A-G courses after 9th grade
  • A 2.0 and 2.49 GPA must meet the Eligibility Index 
  • Campuses and programs designated as impacted may utilize higher “a-g” GPA thresholds for applicants, as well as identify supplemental criteria and their relative weights, in making admission decisions.

  • Campuses will use a combination of students’ “a-g” GPA and supplemental factors to determine admission eligibility. Supplemental Factors that campuses may use include:

    • Number of courses exceeding minimum “a-g” requirements

    • GPA in math and or science courses

    • Household income

    • Extracurricular and leadership involvement 

    • Educational program participation in high school 

    • Other available information that would inform the campus admission decision

  • Each CSU campus will determine the supplemental factors used with GPA to determine eligibility. See the Supplemental Factors by campus for campus details.

Subject Requirements

A-G subject requirements. Complete 15 A-G courses in high school.

  1. History/Social Science – 2 years 
  2. English – 4 years 
  3. Mathematics – 3 years required (Integrated Math I, II, and III)
  4. Laboratory Science – 2 years required
  5. Language Other Than English (LOTE) – 2 years of the same language
  6. Visual & Performing Arts – 1 year
  7. College Prep Elective – 1 additional course from the A-F area or any approved course from the G area 

The California State University logo.

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The 10 campuses of the University of California open their doors in 1869 with just 10 faculty members and 40 students. Today, the UC system has more than 280,000 students and 227,000 faculty and staff, with 2.0 million alumni living and working around the world.Through its teaching, research and public service, UC drives California's economy and leads the world in new directions.

Admission Requirements

  • A minimum of 15 A-G courses completed with 'C' or better in all required areas (UC will not honor any course repeated with a 'C' or higher)
  • You will be required to demonstrate English proficiency if you have had less than 3 years of instruction in English (if you completed some of your high school in a country and school where English was not the language of instruction)
  • GPA based on grades earned in A-G courses completed the summer after 9th grade through summer after 11th grade (honors courses 5-point scale)
  • Minimum admission GPA is a 3.0 GPA in A-G classes

Subject Requirements

A-G subject requirements. Four of the 15 A-G courses must be taken in your last year of high school.

  1. History/Social Science – 2 years 
  2. English – 4 years
  3. Mathematics – 3 years required, 4 years recommended
  4. Laboratory Science – 2 years required, 3 years recommended
  5. Language Other Than English (LOTE) – 2 years of the same language, 3 years recommended
  6. Visual & Performing Arts – 1 year
  7. College Prep Elective – 1 additional year of the minimum required courses in the A-F areas above or any approved G course




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Common App is a non-profit membership organization representing more than 900 diverse institutions of higher education. They connectThe Common Application applicants and those who support them to a wide array of public and private colleges and universities across all 50 U.S. states, and 20  countries. In order to help all students reach their goals, Common App is dedicated to lowering the logistical and systemic barriers to college access and to serve a diverse group of students and institutions. 


There are hundreds of public and private colleges and universities to choose from both in California and out of state. Entrance requirements and expenses vary but are similar to University of California system. Talk to your counselor in the counseling office, or College Adviser in the College & Career Center (Room 2101), or go online for more information!


Paying for College



Rev. 3/1/25 
By Oi